Mens' Ministry

The Greats is the men's ministry here at Christ the Lord Chapel. It is a fellowship for married and mature men. They meet to discuss and fellowship together. They organise programs to inspire and educate men according to the wisdom of God as written in the Bible. Exodus 18:21- "Choose men of ability from all your people. They must have respect for God and be trustworthy, hating covetousness."


The men's ministry is committed to raising up a team of men who would be willing to give their time and skills to help the body of Christ.1 Kings 2: 2b- "Be strong and act like a man"


The men's ministry has the ultimate goal of making men pursuers and seekers of God. The ministry has four main objectives:

  • Provision of opportunities for spiritual growth: This is done in bible study groups.
  • Dedication to prayer and to the Word. The pursuit of knowledge is encouraged through sharing of the Word daily on the Church's Men's WhatsApp group.
  • Inspire men by organising regular recreational activities which develop physical, emotional, and spiritual characters. This helps the mental health of our men as the world around us abounds with unlimited stress.
  • Encourage men to serve in their local community as volunteers and partners in progress.
  • Offer our men the opportunity to express their ideas and feelings in a comfortable atmosphere. To this end, every month, special speakers are invited to give talks on issues such as finance, mental health and so on.